23 July 2019

Beware The Heat!

Being a nurse, although no longer practising, I should be more savvy when it comes to self~care in the heat, don't cha think?

It seems when it comes to self we are usually lest rigorous about taking steps to protect ourselves, yet with our loved ones we cluck around and ensure every measure is taken to ensure full health is maintained.

Yesterday I decided to potter around the garden to weed and feed my pots and give my holly tree a wee make~over as it was a looking rather unkempt and sad.

Within minutes I was puce ~ literally beet red and so unbelievably hot, I felt I was going to internally combust leaving just a scattering of ashes in my place.

Going through the menopause means I am a mobile heat unit anyway, I radiate constantly, so much so that the other day when sitting next to my husband on the sofa he asked if the heating was on ~ nope, I replied, it's just me ~ and it was!

So what did I do when hot yesterday ~ after my garden pottering I had a drink which didn't really reduce my state of puceness. So, I took 5 before practising my daily rheumy physio of Tai Chi warm up, routine and cool down, which obviously I did outside on the decking. However, I did also remember to have a pint of water again afterwards.

After a mini rest I then pottered outside again with my camera because our Jack Russell Pug Cross dog Loki doesn't like to be alone in the garden and keeps coming to "get" me to go outside with him. I tried to stay in the shade but it was oppressively hot still. My eldest daughter came outside with some bubbles so we had a mess about with her blowing and me photographing them ~ which was fun but by now I was feeling exceptionally wiped out.

So, I returned inside and had some more water. Jug and glass in hand I found my spot on the sofa, elevated puffy ankles on the foot stool and rested whilst sipping water.

Last night I went to bed early as I was tired, sleeping whilst being a mobile heat unit in very hot weather is not easy. I wear very light weight pjs, super soft and very thin and lie on top of the bed ~ windows open but still I struggle to keep cool and sleep is intermittent.

This morning I have stomach cramps, headache, nausea and very weak limbs ~ plus the exhaustion.

Having chronic illnesses I often place blame on them for symptoms and thought it was post exertional malaise from my activity yesterday.

However, my husband came into the lounge and after a few tuts and a shaking of the head he informs me I have heat stroke ~ not severe enough for a doctor or anything but enough to ensure I rest and am careful today. He has the fan on in front of me, a glass and jug of water by my side, cushions for support and puffy feet elevated on my footstool. I have to admit I feel pretty pants and am grateful for his care and nursing ministrations right now.

So ~ to you fellow chronic illness sufferers, those with young children and folk over 50 ~ seems we are more at risk of suffering from heat stroke and with the temperatures set to climb over this week please be careful and look after yourselves, take measures to prevent heat stroke and keep an eye out on your loved ones too.

If you are interested in reading more about heatstroke take a look at this website with information about risk factors, symptoms and ways to avoid it..

~ Blessings ~

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